Bitewing Games Podcast
At Bitewing Games, our mission is to create and share classy board games that bite. For hobbyist gamers, this podcast will help you to explore your own tastes in the hobby and perhaps discover your next favorite game that fits those tastes. For game designers, this podcast will offer you more tools to add to your utility belt and metrics to measure your projects by. Subscribe to our newsletter at BitewingGames.com, follow us on social media, and stay tuned for exciting things to come!
Bitewing Games Podcast
1st Impressions of Ready Set Bet, The Wolves, Guards of Atlantis II, Splendor Duel, 9 Lives, and more!
Nick Murray
Season 1
Episode 69
Lookout! Loads of interesting new games have been hitting store shelves recently and Nick is here to share his 1st impressions after playing the following:
0:49 - Splendor Duel
3:49 - Guards of Atlantis II
9:16 - Qin
13:15 - The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire
15:32 - 9 Lives
18:22 - The Wolves
22:31 - Ready Set Bet
Zoo Vadis and Gussy Gorillas are launching via Kickstarter in January! Check out the pre-launch page here.